California S Corp Tax Payments
How to Make a California S-Corporation Tax Payment
Follow the steps below to make online payments for your income tax return, extension, and quarterly estimates.
Step 1: Visit the California FTB Payment Page
Go to
Step 2: Choose Your Payment Method
- Click “Bank Account” under Make a Payment.
Step 3: Select Payment Option
- Choose “Use Web Pay Business”.
Step 4: Choose Your Entity Type
- Select Corporation, even if your business is an LLC taxed as an S-Corporation.
Step 5: Enter Your Entity ID
- Use your California Entity ID number, NOT your federal EIN.
- For S-Corporations, this is the 7-digit number in the upper left corner of your CA 100S tax return.
- If you don’t know your CA Entity ID, contact our office, and we can provide it.
Step 6: Confirm Business & Contact Information
- Your business name should appear automatically.
- Enter your personal contact information where required.
- On the next screen, you may need to remove commas or special characters to continue.
Step 7: Select the Payment Type
- Choose the option for “Form 100, 100S, 100W, or 100X”.
- For an extension payment: Select “Extension Payment (Form 3539)”.
- For a tax return payment: Select “Original Return Payment (Form 100, 100S, 100W, or 3586)”.
- For a quarterly estimated payment: Select “Estimated Tax Payment (Form 100ES)”.
Step 8: Enter the Tax Year Dates
- For a 2024 tax payment, enter Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024.
- If your business operates on a fiscal year, enter those dates instead.
- For a quarterly estimated payment, enter the current tax year.
Step 9: Enter Payment Amount & Date
- Use the payment amount provided by your tax preparer.
- Ensure the payment date is on or before the due date.
Step 10: Enter Bank Account Information
- Provide your bank account details to complete the payment.
Step 11: Finalize & Authorize Payment
- Enter your email and phone number.
- Check the box to authorize the payment.
Step 12: Save & Send Confirmation
- Print a PDF of the confirmation page before exiting.
- Send a copy of the confirmation to your tax preparer via our secure link.