California Pass Through Entity Tax Payments
California Pass Through Entity Tax (PTET) Payments
Follow these instructions when making payments for your pass-through entities (Partnerships, LLCs, and S-Corporations) in California.
Step 1: Visit the California FTB Payment Page
Go to
Step 2: Choose Your Payment Method
Click “Bank Account” under Make a Payment.
Step 3: Select Payment Option
Choose “Use Web Pay Business”.
Step 4: Choose Your Entity Type - based on How you file
If you file as a Partnership: Select Limited Liability Company if your business is an LLC. If your business is a traditional partnership (not an LLC), select Partnership.
If you file as an S-Corporation: Select Corporation, even if your business is an LLC taxed as an S-Corporation.
Step 5: Enter Your Entity ID
Use your California Entity ID number, NOT your federal EIN.
If you don’t know your CA Entity ID, contact our office, and we can provide it.
Step 6: Confirm Business & Contact Information
Your business name should appear automatically.
Enter your personal contact information where required.
On the next screen, you may need to remove commas or special characters to continue.
Step 7: Select the Payment Type
Choose “Pass-Through Entity Elective Tax (Form 3893)”.
Step 8: Enter the Tax Year Dates
For 2024 tax payments, enter Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024.
If your business operates on a fiscal year, enter those dates instead.
Step 9: Enter Payment Amount & Date
Use the payment amount provided by your tax preparer.
Ensure the payment date is on or before the due date.
Important: The June payment must be made by June 15 of the tax year for your PTET election to be valid.
Step 10: Enter Bank Account Information
Provide your bank account details to complete the payment.
Step 11: Finalize & Authorize Payment
Enter your email and phone number.
Check the box to authorize the payment.
Step 12: Save & Send Confirmation
Print a PDF of the confirmation page before exiting.
Send a copy of the confirmation to your tax preparer.